Maggie Simonyan | Panorama City, CA

In the bustling and hectic streets of Los Angeles, Maggie Simonyan reminisces of her homeland Armenia.

Passion is a fundamental value that resonates deeply within her – whether it’s Armenia or government – every aspect of her life revolves around this fervor. Maggie utilizes her passions to get involved with her community and the international world as well, founding and presiding over Armenian Youth Aid, a non-profit that works internationally to improve education in low-income communities and villages in Armenia. In just two years, Armenian Youth Aid raised funds for the rebuilding of a school, distributed over $2,000 worth of books amongst struggling schools, aided the construction and launch of a recreation center, raised funds for musical and technological equipment for schools, and much more.

With a keen interest in politics, Maggie serves as President of the Mid-Valley Youth in Government Delegation. This program works with the YMCA and California State Capitol officials to allow delegates to engage and participate in simulations of various sectors of the American government. Currently, Maggie interns for California Assemblymember Jesse Gabriel, performing legislative research, organizing and participating in community events, gaining insights into the field representative's role, reaching out to constituents, and assisting them in accessing state resources.

With a fierce and dedicated attitude, Maggie dreams of a future where she is bettering her country. Empowered by this, she is unwaveringly committed to pushing herself beyond her limits and achieving nothing short of greatness. Every success she achieves is a testament to the resilience and strength of her people. Every obstacle she overcomes is a step toward a brighter future for her country.

“I am Armenian,” Simonyan said. "Every piece of me I could describe is Armenian and I take pride in that.”